Cathedral Village Arts Festival 2018

It always seems to take forever to get everything ready for the Arts Festival Street Fair and then it goes by... in a blink... or two. Which, of course, is a good thing. Means you are busy and having fun. 


Best of all you get to see old friends and make new ones... check whether your work is still of interest to people (Which it is!!! Considering  how many prints and cards we sold)... and get a few new ideas to work on!!


Our Enchanted Fairies art piece turned out to be a show stopper.  It features students of Class Act Dance Studios in Regina.  

Lots and lots... and lots of people came by to take a closer look. Including some of the little fairies in the image and even some of their peers. It was wonderful to hear that their friends thought they did a beautiful job on posing and they look really cute :) !!! 


Frank's-Shoe-Repair-part of our Photography/Shoe Repair combo was extremely popular as well. The sewing machine drew a lot of attention from people of all ages. One little boy said, "I know what it is!  It's a projector.................... for old movies!!!"  It was so adorable! 

Somehow Alf managed to remain serious about the matter. You have to admit the little munchkin had a point. This 100 year old Singer does look like an old projector... a little...

A brief explanation followed by a thorough demonstration... to the delight of a curious explorer and his very proud Papa. 


Well... No street fair is complete without rain and wind. Fortunately our city is full of wonderful people who rushed to help us to keep our tent down as it tried to take off. It rained through the gap between our two canopies, so special measures had to be taken. 

Overall it was a beautiful day for the Festival! Thank you to everyone who came by our booth!
