I am NOT marrying the bear!


H: “I’m NOT marrying the bear!”

Me: “Why not?”

H: “It’s not real and it stays here all the time! It doesn’t go anywhere!”

How do children think of these things?

All because I asked her to give the bear a hug and maybe a kiss…

Good thing we did the Enchanted Forest portraits last year. I would imagine kissing the frog would be out of question now :)


Having these two at our studio is always such a treat.

I think they really enjoy their “portrait dates” with us too :)


I wish I could take credit for bringing out these gorgeous smiles and laughter… but I can’t. The credit goes to Shelley (these children’s Mom) and her creative strategy full of hilarious tricks & unexpected maneuvers!


Now… who would think that putting a french horn bugle on your head would make you look like an ear, nose and throat specialist?

And a genuinely happy ear, nose and throat specialist at that!!


These guys are so easy to photograph… I went overboard as usual and all the photos turned out beautifully.

The second instalment of images from this shoot is going to be up tomorrow.